Health & Hygiene
Last week our theme was Health and Hygiene.
We spoke about eating healthy food and what it means to be healthy. We took a look at a few healthy veggies that we found in the kitchen. We had fun washing our hands, brushing our hair and we did a gorgeous painting with toothbrushes!
Our toothbrush painting was a huge success and we are happy to say that the children did it 100% on their own. The pictures are all so different and beautiful – just how we love our art to be! Some children love to mix colours, others keep the colours very separate. Some prefer only 2 or 3 colours while others wanted all of them! Amazing to see their creative processes.
We learnt about the concept of an apology and I am happy to see that all of our children say sorry with no problem if they need to. This is wonderful and makes classroom life a lot more pleasant and happy!
Our last experiment was glitter germs! We used this experiment to show the children that even though you can see the glitter, there are lots of germs on hands and skin that you can’t see! They have been told to wash their hands until they can’t see any more glitter.
I have loved spending time with your little busy bodies. Enjoy looking at all the photos from the week!
Another reminder to label as much as you possibly can.
This week’s Theme: My Emotions; Valentine’s Day.
We are so proud of our Pups!
The children are really settling in now and are becoming much more confident in the classroom space!
It is amazing how quickly they have learnt their new daily routine and have adjusted their little schedules to fit in a more demanding day!
Dates to Diarise:
Kiddies Valentine’s Disco: 11 Feb
(during school)
Haircut Day: 16 Feb
Bon Fire Picnic: 18 Feb
Mid-Term Break: 25th – 28th Feb
(no school, no Holiday Club)
Lots of love
Teacher Sheryl and the Playful Pups Assistants