Land, Air & Sea Transport
Jj – Jet
This week we learnt all about Land, Air and Sea transport! This is definitely a theme that appeals to the BOYS in our class a lot more than the girls and the boys had a great time running around pretending to be aeroplanes, motorbikes and helicopters. The sound effects were very impressive!
We were super busy with our art this week! We did some stamping. We make a truck. We also made a racing car from a loo roll … pink cars for girls and blue cars for boys. For our last transport activity, we made a yellow school bus out of a paper plate. We are also busy practicing for the concert. So the Pups were hard at work this week!
Please can I remind you to LABEL your children’s clothes, especially jackets and shoes. It warms up dramatically during playtime and often our Pups take their own jackets off and leave them wherever they happen to fall. If things are not labeled it becomes almost impossible to find. Some of the older children often see things lying on the playground and then take it to where they think it belongs and it lands up going on a journey home with 6 different children in a totally different class before we finally track down a missing item. PLEASE try help us help you by LABELLING your stuff, even with a ball point pen on the tag. Also remember NO toys to come to school.
Please also pump the immune boosters and probiotics.
Have a super weekend. Take care and keep warm!
Next week’s theme is: Recycling
Sunday is World Environment Day
Teaching our kiddies to be Eco-Green-Ambassadors!
Earth is what we all have in common …
and it’s the only planet that has chocolate!
Let’s always protect it!
Dates to Diarise:
Haircut Day: 8 June
Hearing Tests: 13 June
Bike-a-Thon: 15 June
Public Holiday: 16 June
School Holiday: 17 June
Book Character Dress Up Day & Break Up Day: 24 June
Mid Term Week Break: 27 June (no school, no Holiday Club)
Back to School: 4 July