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Me and My Body

Jan 20, 2023


Me & My Body










I can’t believe it’s already the second week of school. Time sure does fly when you are having fun!

The Pups are starting to settle down more and more, some slowly but surely.

We are all getting to know more about each other which is so wonderful! The Pups loved learning about this week’s theme: My Body. It was so much fun counting our body parts. We focused mainly on our eyes, ears, nose and mouth. We spoke about being kind to each other and respecting other people’s space. We also reminded the Pups how important it is to say please and thank you.

For this week’s art activity, we painted the Pups’ hands and made rainbow handprints on paper. I can’t wait to see these tiny hands grow in the future! On Thursday the Pups went to Yoga with Teacher Nicole and, oh my goodness, this was such a treat and so much fun! The Pups learnt six yoga poses. They warmed up to our “Fly like a Butterfly” song and finished the session off with breathing techniques and quiet time.

Over all they had a busy week playing, learning and dancing. Wow, we all had such a wonderful time! The Pups also went to FunFit Sports with Coach Dave which they absolutely loved.

I hope you all have a wonderful, happy and exciting weekend. See you all next week.

Next week’s theme is: My Senses


We Wanna Know ...

Do you have a favourite memory from Pre School? Tell us about it on your class      WhatsApp group!


 Dates to Diarise: 

27 Jan: Bonfire Picnic

15 Feb: Haircut Day

17 Feb: Valentines Disco 

20 Feb: Fire Drill

21 Feb: Curious Crew Term meeting

24 – 27 Feb: Mid Term Break

28 Feb: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Cecilia and the Playful Pups Assistants

Our Playful Pups!

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