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Mothers and Babies

May 6, 2022


Mothers & Babies









Mm – Mommy

This has been the most amazing week for so many reasons! We missed our Pups so much over the holiday and it’s just so amazing to have them back!  We are so happy and proud to see them following and remembering our routine after our holiday.

Then, it was Mommy week! The kids LOVED it! All the children had a great time playing mommy or daddy and it was so lovely to see their nurturing natures come out. Children are so naturally gentle and kind! And they know what to do when they see a baby and a pram. It was adorable. Don’t be scared to buy your boy child a doll if he wants one – they are practicing to be great, hands – on dads! We chatted about mommies and what they do for their children, the names of animal mommies and their babies (for example, a dog and a puppy!) and we chatted about where a baby grows, what a baby needs and how to look after a baby.

We made a special present for mom this week. We were out in the sunshine planting a very special plant for mom and made a very special card for mom that we attached to the plant. This was a great sensory activity even though some little bodies weren’t so eager to get their hands dirty.  We also made an amazing lip balm for you moms, out of beeswax, coconut oil and peppermint oil. The children were fascinated with the texture of the beeswax sheets and the distinct smell it has.

We had a thoroughly enjoyable week and it is great to be back. Please, a few reminders in general: Keep nails short, to avoid scratching accidents. Start your child on a multivitamin like Crèche Guard (if you haven’t already) to try beat the winter bugs going around. Also, please refer to the Sick Policy and keep children who are ill at home so we can minimize the spread of colds and flu. Label, label, label EVERYTHING! … In winter there are many more items of clothing coming to school and during the day as it warms up, we tend to remove layers and then things get very easily mixed up and sent home with the wrong child. The playground looks like a cupboard at the end of playtime as the children strip off layers and just drop them as they warm up. Lazarus then brings us what he thinks is ours based on size but it would really help if everything had a label. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend! Keep warm and get back to us safely on Monday!


To all our AMAZING mommies ...

To the world, you are a mother.

But to your family, you are their WORLD!

 Dates to Diarise:

Sports Day: 7 May

Haircut Day: 11 May

Optometrist: 13 May 


Lots of love

Teacher Cecelia and the Playful Pups Assistants

Mommies’ Munchkins!

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