Xx – X-ray
Hello everybody! This week our Pups had a short but interesting week learning about occupations. There are so many of them so we chose a few to discuss and explain in class. We spoke about Teachers and told the Pups that a teacher works in a classroom and teaches young children in school. We discussed Doctors who work in doctors’ rooms and hospitals and help sick people feel better. We spoke about a nurse – that they help doctors and that they also work in hospitals. A dentist helps us to keep our teeth in good health. Remember to brush your teeth little Pups! As we said there are so many different occupations and they are all equally important.
We watched a short video clip on YouTube about what I want to be when I grow up. This was a super cute clip!
We tried to ask the Pups want they want to be when they are big and we managed to get a few answers – one of our Pups said she wants to be a mommy … hehe so sweet!
We read a couple of books like: What Jobs Could You Do, by Catherine Barr and: What Do People Do All Day, by Richard Scarry.
For our art activities we made police cars which is very cute and the Pups had a lot of fun painting them. It’s so funny to see the kiddies reactions when some of them get paint on themselves – some of them really don’t mind at all, and others look really concerned and say “Ooh ooh” with sweet little expressions on their faces!
Have a beautiful and blessed weekend.
Next weeks theme is: Construction, Buildings and Factories
Teacher Cecelia's Favourite Quotes ...
1. You are the artist of your own life. Don’t hand the brush to anybody else.
2. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is GREAT WORK and the only way to do GREAT work is to LOVE what you do.
Dates to Diarise:
Haircut Day: TBC
Prospective Behaviours Workshop: 31 March
Sports Day: 9 April
Break Up Day: 13 April
Lots of love
Teacher Cecelia, and the Playful Pups Assistants