Dinosaurs and Under the Soil
Colour: Green
Shape: Triangle
Number: Recap
Letter: d – dinosaurs
Moral conscious: Working together
Yippee, the blog is back up and running! And what a fun couple of weeks we have had learning all about dinosaurs. It was also so wonderful to see our class a bit fuller this past week. We missed the sweet faces who were away!
The children have absolutely loved this theme. They have all been so excited and keen to learn all about dinosaurs. Last week we had many discussions all about dinosaurs, what they are, what they eat, how big they are and how they once lived very, very long ago. We have had many ring times where we all stomp and roar around the classroom like a T-Rex. We went on an adventure to find dinosaur eggs and collected as many as we could, we also went looking for fossils. Real little paleontologists … hehe!
It has been wonderful to see their imaginations and excitement while being little discoverers. This week we have focused on the inquiry based approach where we let the children lead and use their imagination to problem solve and create play scenarios in their own minds. We set out a ‘dinorama’ and let them play and uncover fossils and scoop and dump sand. They loved this!
Throughout the week we worked on our art pieces. We made salt dough ‘fossils’, this was a fun activity where the children used their fine motor skills to roll and play with the dough and then make an imprint of the dinosaur toy in the dough. Seeing their faces when the imprint was made was priceless. We made green dinosaurs out of cardboard, paper plates and toilet rolls and decorated them with glitter and used corks to create texture. Such fun!
One of the real hits were our ‘dinosaur feet’. After they were made we all put them on and stomped around like dinosaurs. The room was filled with laughter and ‘roars’!
We look forward to next week as the weather warms up a bit after a very cold few weeks and to hopefully see more of our friends return to school. Have a wonderful weekend!
Lots of love