Theme: Space
Colour: Orange
Shape: Diamond
Number: Recap
Letter: Nn – night
What a wonderful week it has been! The Pups have all been in good spirits and seem like they have had a sudden growth spurt. They all seem as if they have grown so much all of a sudden, not just physically but mentally too! It is so great seeing this age group develop and reach milestones, they really are amazing little people.
This week has been so much warmer which is such a pleasure! You can see that the children are happier outside, and more excited to explore when the temperatures are just that much warmer.
This week we have had loads of fun exploring the theme of outer space. When we chat about all the things about space during ring time you can see their little minds trying to process and understand what I say. After all, outer space and the vastness of our galaxy is even difficult for us adults to comprehend! Travis did say though, that “I want to go there!”. So Nathalie, you may have a future astronaut on your hands 😉
The art we did this week was so much fun! We used off cuts of wood that were behind the house, painted them black and decorated our own sensory space scene by sticking everything down with ‘podge’. The results are beautiful and we will keep it for our Art Expo. This art activity really challenged their fine motor skills as they used their pincer grip to pick up all the little goodies to add to their art piece. We also painted and even did water painting on the bricks out in the warm sun this week!
Another highlight of this week was the return of yoga! We haven’t had yoga for many weeks due to Teacher Nicole being away. The Pups were so excited to see her back and couldn’t wait to find their mats and get into a downward dog pose .. hehe!
During FunFit sports they focused on hand eye coordination as well as colour learning. The Pups are getting so good at colours. We urge you to test them at home and see how clever they are!
We can’t believe that this is the last official week of the 2nd term! We look forward to starting off our third term with warm weather and healthy happy children!
Have an awesome long weekend.
Love, Teachers.