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Shops and Shopping

Nov 18, 2022


Shops & Shopping




Oval/Triangular Prism





Qq – Queue 

What do you buy when you go to the shops?  Milk, sweeties, honey, chippies, clothes, toys and much, much more! These were just a few of the answers we got from our Pups when we asked them that question, they were very happy to share their entire shopping lists with us.

For this week’s art, our Pups got to make their own money wallets and purses so that they could put their pretend money into them, and after all their shopping they can use it to buy all their items with. However only the wallets and purses will go home, we will be keeping the fake money for the years to come.  We got the Pups to scratch over coins with crayon so that the imprint of the R5 or R2 could show on the paper, some needed a little help but most of our Pups could apply enough pressure on their own. The teachers then cut up old newspaper, folded them, and then turned them into a wallet or purse.

Thank you to all of our Playful Pups parents for supporting this activity by bringing items for our Ecokids shop and a big thank you to Pops Toys for sponsoring the very cool shopping bags. Our Pups had so much fun doing their shopping, whatever they could put their hands on they took. We hope our Pups enjoy all their little goodies.

Next Week’s Theme: Travel and Holidays

We Wanna Know ...

Are you an IN STORE shopper or an ONLINE shopper?


 Dates to Diarise: 

22 Nov – SS Graduation

25 Nov – CC & SS Outing

5 Dec – Hooked on Books during School

6 Dec – Christmas Party

7 Dec – Break Up Day


Lots of love

Teacher Cecilia and the Playful Pups Assistants

Our Awesome Boys and Girls!

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