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Under the Sea with the Pups

Nov 7, 2021


Under the Sea


Dark Blue




Counting 1 – 5



Uu – Under

Yay! Finally, the blog is back up! I know how many of you love to read it and see what your munchkins have gotten up to during the week. I personally have missed writing this blog as it is always nice to reflect back on the week that we have had and recall all the sweet moments had with these littles. Although sometimes chaotic (hehe!) when working with this age group, there are plenty of smiles and laughs to be had during the day. The things they say and do are just too cute, clever and funny. They are constantly surprising me with what they know!

We have recently had two new little faces join our group for the rest of the year, Sienna and Nehal. The seasoned Playful Pups have been very welcoming!

I find at this time of year they start to challenge everything a little more, that being us teachers, you moms and dads, each other, their own personal limits when playing etc. With the talk of impending change and going to “big school” it is almost like they can sense a shift happening. This can lead to a behaviour change as they are experiencing very big feelings. Change for this age group isn’t easy, yet they adapt so easily as well J

I am looking forward to seeing these little sunshines finish off the year blossoming and growing!

This week we learnt about all the things under the sea. Their favourite thing (can you guess?) is of course the shark! However, we learnt about some new sea creatures too such as star fish, blowfish, sea urchins and our other favourite, the jelly fish!

We made our very own jelly fish out of paper plates and coffee filters. They coloured in their jelly fish coffee filters with washable kokis which we sprayed with water to give a water colour effect.

Sharon brought a beautiful shell collection for them to look at which they loved too!

At yoga we did some breathing exercises with an expanding toy to demonstrate our lungs, they loved this!


Getting So Big!

Things I have noticed since returning for the third term:  Firstly they are suddenly seeming so grown up! Their vocabulary is expanding almost daily and they are showing less interest in the more “baby” aspects of our day. They are outgrowing their environment and I can just see they are so ready for their next adventure at the Main Preschool Campus!

Let’s go to the Seaside!

Only 4 short weeks of school left! Don;t forget to look out for the Holiday Club Registration Form coming your way soon!

Holiday Club will run from the 8th till the 17th of December. 

“Everything’s better, down where it’s wetter, under the sea!”

Nearly there people….

It is that time of year again, the crazy time where everything just gets busier and chaotic although festive. Let’s stay safe, healthy and push to the end of the year (can’t believe we are nearly there!) Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Lots of love

Teacher Jules | Playful Pups Teacher

Pics from a splash-tastic week! 


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