Triangle & Pyramid
Rr – Recycling
Moral conscious theme: IB Principle- Risk Takers- We explained to the Squad that being a risk taker means trying new things or doing something even if you’re not sure how it will turn out. We explained this in a simple relatable way, such as when you try riding a bike without training wheels for the first time, or when you stand up in front of class to talk about something you care about. It’s about being brave and not being afraid to learn from mistakes or explore new ideas.
Writing and Phonics: This week, we concentrated on words from the “ag” family and practiced breaking down letter sounds to create word families. The Squad then completed a worksheet where they matched words with the correct pictures by sounding out the letters. The children are understanding word families effectively, and we’re very pleased as teachers. Additionally, we introduced two new sight words, “to” and “do”. We encourage you to continue practicing these sight words at home, especially during the upcoming mid-term break.
Mathematics: For mathematics this week, we worked on addition problems up to 10 using the number line and practiced counting forward and backward to 30. We also concentrated on counting in 2’s up to 10. We’re delighted to share that they are mastering this skill correctly, so we encourage you to ask them at home—you’ll be amazed and proud of their progress!
Creative Art: The Squad made their own “monsters” making use of recycled materials in the Art Studio. This art activity was fantastic for demonstrating to the Squad how recycled materials can be transformed into almost anything. They were chuffed with their unique creations. We have also been working on Art pieces for the Concert and Art Expo, we cannot wait for you to see!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Recycling turns things into other things ... which is like MAGIC!
Dates to Diarise:
28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day
8 July: Back To School
Lots of love
Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants