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Cooking and Food

Nov 17, 2023


Cooking & Food




Rectangular Prism / Recap





Cc – Cooking / Ff – Food

Moral conscious theme: This week we focused on the importance of knowing how to cook certain foods and making sure that they are within their expiry date. We discussed how washing our hands regularly is essential especially when we are dealing with chicken. Finally, we spoke about how some people are less fortunate and we need to be grateful for the food that we do receive. 

Writing and Phonics: We are currently busy with our assessments, could we please ask that your child attend school every day so that we are able to assess them correctly. We completed our last word families for the year – ‘ut’ and ‘ug’. 

Mathematics: For maths we went over our rote counting forwards and backwards. We also revised counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We explained to the Squad that there is a little trick when we count in these ways and how they assist us with calculations. Lastly, we went over our shapes and also learned how to draw a star on top of our Christmas tree. 

Creative Art: For art we have started our Christmas art, the Squad used straws (which were fanned at the bottom) so that they could fill in their triangle with different shades of green. They then drew their star and also added little details such as presents at the bottom of the tree. It is too sweet! 

Music and Cooking: For cooking this week we made doughnuts, pizza and smoothies. The Squad love being in the kitchen and mixing ingredients – they always get so happy to be given a task and act like little chefs. During these activities they had the chance to cut, blend, bake and cook – we are so proud of how they are all becoming so independent. For music we are practicing the graduation songs. 

FunFit Sports: The Squad were assessed this week during FunFit Sports.  

Wishing you all a lovely weekend. 




Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza?


 Dates to Diarise: 

22 Nov: SS Graduation

24 Nov: CC & SS Outings

4: Magic Show

5 Dec: Christmas Party

6 Dec: School Break Up Day

7 Dec: Holiday Club Starts

15 Dec: Holiday Club Ends


Lots of love

Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants

Our Sweet as Candy Squad!

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