Countries & Cultures
Flag Colours
Rectangle/Rectangular Prism
Pp – Pride
We started the week off listening to each other’s fun weekend with broad discussions and we also introduced this week’s theme, Countries and Cultures. We discussed a few different countries, their traditional foods, traditional clothing, and their different languages.
Phonics and Writing
The Squad did a worksheet on the “et” family where they had to match the picture to the word. To do so they had to try and spell out the sound of each letter. They then wrote sentences using those words using their “cats” head, tummy tail for correct positioning and spacing of the words. We are very impressed by how the Squad’s writing has improved; they are writing with such confidence! We have been playing a fun letter game where everyone gets their own letter, and the Squader then has to say, for example I have “a” who has “b”, then the next person goes until they reach the end of the alphabet. We also introduced three new sight words – “see”, “of” and “up”.
We continued to practice counting from 1-30 as well as counting backwards from 30 – 1. This week we completed addition sums as well as subtraction sums using the counting on and crossing out method up to 20 . We introduced the ”tally” method where you need to count the number of objects/animals, and after every 5 you need to draw 4 lines and draw a line across them as the fifth line. For example if there are 11 dogs, the Squader must make two sets of 4 crossed out lines and then one extra line.
Life Skills:
With focusing on our moral conscious theme: Respect other religions, we discussed how other religions can be differ from ours, we might not look the same, but we are all equal. We must never be mean but rather be kind and respect the choices of others.
We have been working hard on weekly art as well as art for the Art Exspo coming up soon – we can’t wait for you to see all the hard work that has been put into our beautiful art pieces.
For Afrikaans we did a recap of colours, numbers as well as body parts.
If you could travel to anywhere in the WORLD … where would it be?
Dates to Diarise:
Haircut Day: 5 Oct
Break Up Day & Art Expo: 20 Oct
Mid-Term Break: 21 – 24 Oct
Back to School: 25 Oct
Mommy & Me Yoga (PP, HH, CC): 27 Oct
Mommy & Me Yoga (BB, SS): 28 Oct
Lots of love
Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants