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Countries and Cultures

Sep 22, 2023


Countries & Cultures


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Rectangle/Rectangular Prism


12 & Recap



Pp – Pride

Moral conscious theme: Respect different cultures –  

We explained to the Squad that we need to treat everyone equally no matter how they look such as clothing, hairstyles, skin colour and other appearances, or even if they do things differently. Do not make jokes about other cultures. 

Writing and Phonics: This week the Squad worked hard on remembering our sight words as well as wrote out a few of their sight words on their white boards. The squad then did a worksheet on the “eg” family, they had to match the correct words with the pictures followed by writing out sentences with the “eg” family words – their handwriting is drastically improving and we are such proud teachers! 

Mathematics: The Squad did a worksheet on “Tallying” followed by a graph where they had to count the number of sea animals and colour their graphs accordingly, this is a difficult concept to learn however they impressed us with how determined they were to get it right, good job! 

Creative Art: The Squad has been working hard on their art expo pieces, they are very excited for you to see all their artwork as they keep asking to take them home, teehee – so cute!  

Have a wonderful long weekend!


 Dates to Diarise: 

24 Sept: Public Holiday (Heritage Day)

25 Sept: Public Holiday Recognised

4 Oct: Haircut Day

20 Oct: Art Expo

25 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (PP, HH, CC)

26 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (BB, SS)

26 Oct: Break Up Day

27, 28, 29, 30 Oct: Mid Term Break

31 Oct: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants

Our Squad!

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