Healthy Eating, Etiquette and Manners
Ff – Food
Wow, what a busy and eventful week we have had! The children absolutely adored the theme and correctly identified which foods are healthy and which are unhealthy. We then went an extra step and worked through the food pyramid and the categories that make it up, portion sizes and the importance of having a balanced diet.
Writing and Phonics: This week we reiterated the previous letters but also introduced three brand new letters of the alphabet – ‘’Mm’’, ‘’Nn’’ and ‘’Oo’’. The children played a game where they had to identify the letters and then provide a word that started with the same letter. We then practiced writing the new letters on our white boards first and moved onto our handwriting skills in our lined books. We went over our sight words thus far and made sure that the Smart Squad can recognise these words correctly. Next week we will add two new sight words.
Maths: This week was focused on 3D shapes, and we have been practicing our 3D shapes song quite a bit. We then recapped 2D shapes and how they are ‘flat’ – 3D shapes are ‘fat’. The Squad had a worksheet to complete in matching the object with the correct 3D shape. We also practiced writing our numbers 1-10 and focused on the formation.
Life Skills: The concept of having good manners is important at a young age. We upped it a notch this week and planned an etiquette lunch which excited the children so much! They had to ask to be excused, and used both knife and fork, they asked for water to be poured and to have more food. As teachers, we played the role of being waiters. The Squad really had such a great time.
Art: We made our very own placemat which was used for our etiquette lunch. The children had to thread their paper and weave in and out to form their colourful placemat. This was quite tricky, but the Squad did well. We kept a lovely surprise for the Art Expo … we collected different foods for our MASSIVE food pyramid. This will be displayed at the Expo. We cannot wait for you to see it!
It has been an awesome week!
See you all next week.
Well done boys and girls!
We are very pleased to say …
the Squad’s manners blow us away!
Dates to Diarise:
Rare Disease Day: 24 Feb
Mid-Term Break: 25th – 28th Feb
(no school, no Holiday Club)
Lots of love
Teacher Amber, Teacher Carla and the Smart Squad Assistants