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Me and My Body

Jan 21, 2022


My Body










We have had such a fun week learning about our wonderful bodies and how the different organs help us live and breathe. If we didn’t have skeletons we would fall over, and our toes help us to balance. The children thoroughly enjoyed this topic and were able to name all the lovely parts that make us who we are!

Writing and Phonics: Every week we will be focusing on three letters of the alphabet, this includes the letter name and the sound that it makes. In Smart Squad we also focus on both capital and small letters. This week we started off with the letters Aa, Bb and Cc. The children had to sound the letter, name the letter, find the letter, and write the letter. They were beyond excited to begin writing in their lined books and to practice their handwriting skills – we were pleased with their abilities and their dedication to forming their letters. The sight word this week was ‘at’ which the Squad identified and then created sentences using this word during ring time. Well done Squad – we love your enthusiasm!

Maths: We practiced our cutting skills this week by making our very own slithery snakes. First, we coloured them in and then we painted 20 dots onto its body. The children then had to cut their snakes out as neatly and as close to the lines as possible – this was tricky because the snakes were curved! The next Mathematical activity was counting to 20 and then tracing the numbers 1-10 – once traced the children had a chance to write their numbers independently. They were so proud and chuffed with themselves because they were able to write their numbers correctly and without dotted lines. Great work Squad!  

Life Skills: Personal space is an important moral skill to adopt, especially during these times. We always remind the children to keep their hands to themselves and even though we may love our friends and teachers, we must remember that we want to keep them safe from germs and personal space is important.  

Art: The children really loved the art piece that we created this week. It was Reggio Emelia based whereby the Squad went on a lovely nature walk and collected sticks, leaves, grass and all other nature bits and bobs. They were then given the instruction to create a body image using the items they had collected – it is wonderful to see how their imaginations work! Some children have pinecone bodies, others have leafy heads and sticks for arms etc. These types of activities really allow the children to step out of their comfort zones and think outside of the box ,using items they wouldn’t normally use. Their art turned out beautifully and we have decided to keep it for the Art Expo later in the year. We cannot wait for you to see their work!

It has been a lovely week, see you all on Monday!



Hard Work From The Get Go!

Only the second week of school and the Squad have been working so hard!

We are so proud of them!

Dates to Diarise:

Bonfire Picnic: 28 Jan

(weather permitting)

Mid-Term Break: 25th – 28th Feb

(no school, no Holiday Club)





Lots of love

Teacher Amber, Teacher Carla and the Smart Squad Assistants

Busy Bodies!


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