My Emotions & Valentine’s Day
Pink, Red, White
Ll – Love
After two weeks of rain, the sun came out just in time for this theme. The sun was shining and love was in the air! We love this theme and the children have been so excited for our much-awaited disco on the deck. We had a lot of fun making our Valentine’s Day art and had an absolute blast at the disco with our guest DJ.
Writing and Phonics: This week we recapped our 3 letters from last week and then introduced the next three letters for the week. We introduced J,K and L. We spoke about objects that begin with those letters; we sang our phonics song and used left over clay to form these letters. We also played a game – blue vs red team, to see who could identify the letters and their sounds. We love the Squad’s enthusiasm to learn! For our handwriting lesson we did some finger warm up activities and then went over the correct formation of those letters on our white boards. Once the children had grasped the concept of the correct formation, we moved onto our writing books where the children traced those three letters using our writing cats.
Maths: During our maths lesson we recapped our numbers 1 – 20 and did a counting activity where the children had to point and count out objects up to 20. We then did a 20-block frame worksheet with paint and an ear bud. Each 20 frame had a number given above. The children had to count carefully and use the ear buds to place a dot of paint in each block based on the number that was given.
Art & Life Skills: We spoke about our emotions and the different types of emotions we can experience in a day. Emotions change constantly and we have to find the things that fill our love tanks and make us happy. Having said that, we also spoke about how each emotion we feel is valid.
For our Valentine’s Day art piece, we made love key rings. Each child was given clay and had to make our shape of the week using the clay. Once their hearts were dry they used their fine motor skills to thread beads onto gut. We attached the beads onto the heart and added a key ring. We also made a Valentine’s Day card. The children first coloured in and cut out an outline of an owl. They then traced over the words “Hoo loves you? Owl always love you” and traced over their hands to use as the wings for the owl. The children worked very hard on their Valentine’s Day art and we are sure you are going to you love it!
It has been a great week.
See you all next week.
Next week’s theme is: Healthy Eating and Etiquette
So Exciting!
What an exciting week!
I think it’s fair to say that excitement was one of the main emotions we felt this week!
Dates to Diarise:
Haircut Day: 16 Feb
Bon Fire Picnic: 18 Feb
Mid-Term Break: 25th – 28th Feb
(no school, no Holiday Club)
Lots of love
Teacher Amber, Teacher Carla and the Smart Squad Assistants