My Family
Gg – Granny
IB Principle: Caring – We explained how important it is to have respect, compassion and empathy towards the feelings and needs of others.
Writing and Phonics: This week the Squad received two new sight words, ‘dog” and “cat”. We are impressed with how they are remembering their sight words, their little faces light up each time they realise they can “read”, hehe to cute! – Please keep practicing sight words at home too. They Traced the letters “p”,” q”, and “r” in their workbooks, followed by writing their name using the “cat method”. – Great work Squad!
Mathematics: For maths this week the Squad practiced counting from 30 and back as well as completed addition sums up to 10 using the “counting on method”.
Cooking: We are currently working on our cooking activity over the next two weeks, the Squad are excited to complete it and bring it home.
Creative Art: The Squad made their own picture frames made out of a wooden house ucing ice cream sticks and covered them in glitter, they then drew their family inside, they came out super cute!
Have a wonderful weekend!
One sleep to go until Sports Day!
Dates to Diarise:
9 March: Sports Day
14 March: Pet Demo
15 March: Haircut Day
21 March: Public Holiday (Human Rights Day)
22 March: School Holiday
29 March – 1 April: Easter Weekend
11 April: Break Up Day
12 April: Holiday Club Starts
Lots of love
Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants