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Occupations And People Who Help Us

Mar 25, 2022











Xx – X-ray

We started off this short week with an exciting theme: Occupations and people who help us. We spoke about what the word occupation means as well as what different types of occupations there are. We also spoke about occupations where people help us and the way in which they help us. We spoke about what we would like to be when we grow up and the reasons why we would like to have that specific occupation. We also discussed who the essential workers are during the pandemic. We discussed which people were essential workers and why their jobs are so important.

Writing and Phonics: This week we recapped on all the letters of the alphabet and their sounds. We played a phonics game where the children had to pick an object from a box and identify the beginning sound of the object. The children then had to place the object on the correct letter. They then completed a beginning sound worksheet where they had to identify the beginning sound of the picture and colour in the correct corresponding letters. We practiced writing the capital letters of the alphabet in our books and on a worksheet. We are very proud of how beautiful the Squad’s letter formation is progressing.

 Mathematics: This week we recapped on the sequence of numbers and identified which number comes next. We introduced simple subtraction using concrete objects and went over our letter identification. We also practiced counting in 2,s 5,s and 10,s.  

Life Skills: Moral conscious theme: “Being a hero.” We spoke about the meaning of being a young hero and ways in which we could all be “hero’s” in our day to day lives. Being a hero doesn’t only mean we fight “bad guys”. A hero is also kind, thoughtful and helpful.

Creative Art: We started off by completing a “what I’d like to be when I grow up” worksheet. The children had to write what they would like to be when they grow up and then drew a detailed picture about their chosen career. They really went into detail with this activity and we were so impressed! Their pictures came out amazing! We also did a fire fighter progressive art piece that turned out so lovely and we will be keeping it for the art expo.

It has been a great week.

Sight words: look, at, me, in, here, it, is, I, she, he, play, on, in, the.

See you all next week.

Next week’s theme: Construction.



The Real Question ...

 Should be:

WHO do you want to be when you grow up, not WHAT


 Dates to Diarise:

Haircut Day: TBC

Prospective Behaviours Workshop: 31 March

Sports Day: 9 April

Break Up Day: 13 April




Lots of love

Teacher Amber, Teacher Carla and the Smart Squad Assistants

Growing Up So Fast!


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