Occupations & People Who Help Us
Circle & Semi-Circle
Recap & 12
Xx – X-ray
IB Principle: Communicators – This week the Squad practiced effective communication skills. Letting the speaker, speak and the listener, listen. We identified these as the sender and the receiver. They had fun sitting in pairs acting out different role plays.
Writing and Phonics: We have been finalising our correct letter formation, it is very important for the Squad to write the letters in the correct way so that when we start writing words next term, they are better equipped. We encourage all children to continue to work on this during the holidays because practice makes perfect.
Mathematics: This week the Squad went over basic addition concepts using different ways such as counting on, using abacus, using their fingers, and aurally subtracting and adding. This is in preparation for next term when we start to assess them for their mid-term reports. We encourage all children to practice number recognition 1-20 over the holidays so that they are better able to spot the number and correctly add or subtract.
Creative Art: For art this week we completed a “what will I be when I grow up?” worksheet which will be kept for the Book of Me. We also made chef hats so that the Squad has a hat for cooking classes. We also had a free ‘messy’ play where they were allowed to use different equipment and art forms in order to express themselves.
FunFit Sports: Coach Trevor had set out a ten-pin bowling course using Eco Bricks so that the Squad could knock down the pins using tennis balls. They had so much fun with this.
Music: Teacher Katy went over the correct tone to use when expressing different emotions. Which translated into practicing our poem for the concert.
We wish you a lovely April holiday/break, we will see you once we return 7 May.
Have a safe and happy holiday!
Dates to Diarise:
12 April: Holiday Club Starts
27 April: Public Holiday (Freedom Day)
1 May: Public Holiday (Workers Day)
3 May: Holiday Club Ends
6 May: Staff Set Up Day (Staff Only)
7 May: Term 2 Starts
9 May: Haircut Day
24 May: Eye Screening (Details to follow)
31 May: Tractor Ride day
Lots of love
Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants