Ll – Lizard
Welcome back after the mid-term break, the Squad have adjusted into their routine nicely. We are in full swing with concert practice and the children are growing increasingly excited each day. They cannot wait to show you what they have prepared for the special day. Please could we ask that you continue to practice your child’s speech at home with them (we are practicing at school too).
Writing and Phonics: This week we continued to recap our sight words to get the mind rolling and we added a brand-new sight word ‘an’. We completed two worksheets this week which were word family based. The Squad used the sound button concept to sound out their ‘an’ and ‘am’ words. We were so proud of how well they are reading. We also played a letter recognition game to see how many letters we could sound out and how many of their names we could recognise. Our sight words are as follows:
Play, cat, at, dad, am, he, the, look, no, here, come, mom, dog, we, for, it, said, in, on, yes, is, she, this, and, me, an
Math: In Maths we practiced ‘more than’ and ‘less than’. The Squad had to write the number that comes before or after. We were pleased to see how independently they worked. We also completed a shapes worksheet where they coloured in and counted how many squares, triangles, circles, and rectangles there were hidden in the picture. In addition to the worksheets, we recapped counting to 30 and back from 20. Well done children.
Life Skills: We had a lovely discussion with the children about how we are all different. We might be tall or short, we might have blonde hair, and some might have brown hair. We also are different shades of colour. The Squad enjoyed pointing out how we are all different but that we are still a Smart Squad family, and we all love each other equally. This is such an important discussion to have, and we are so glad that the children understood this nicely.
Art: What an exciting week filled with reptiles. We even had a reptile show where the children saw spiders, snakes, frogs, lizards, chameleons, and lots more. We used this as inspiration for our art piece this week. We created our very own tortoises. Using egg cartons, paint, pom-poms and beads. They are adorable! We also drew our holiday news and the Squad told us all about their wonderful adventures!
It has been a great week.
See you all next week.
… was definitely when we got a visit from the ‘Snake Man!’
We had some very brave kiddies … and some hesitant little ones too!
Dates to Diarise:
Haircut Day: 13 July
Concert: 16 July
Nelson Mandela Day: 18 July (details to be advised)
Pyjama Dress Up & Break Up Day: 5 August (Holiday Club details to follow)
Lots of love
Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants