Welcome To The Smart Squad Blog


Feb 23, 2023











Ss – Safety

Writing and Phonics: This week we added two brand new sight words – “I” and “can”. We also completed handwriting on our next three letters “M”, “N” and “O”. The Squad are getting the hang of writing in their lined books and are also doing well with keeping finger spaces between their letters.

a, am, look, at, me, in, here, I, can

Maths: Our mathematics lesson this week we reiterated addition to 10. We also completed this by focusing on the different ways that children learn – we jumped like little frogs using a number line, we also used counters and then we completed sums on the board. Well Done, Squad!

Life Skills: “Thinkers”- we practiced allowing the children to think up different ways that they would like to learn or complete an activity and what we realised is that there are so many different ways that we can learn from each other if we put all of our ideas together.

 Art: We had so much fun with our fire drill this week, the Squad remained calm and walked so nicely to the meeting point. Well Done! For art this week we created our very own burning house and fireman to the rescue poster. Using different elements (tactile objects). We will be keeping this beautiful piece for Art Expo.

 Afrikaans: For Afrikaans this week went over the days of the week in Afrikaans. We also completed a worksheet where the children had to match up the English days of the week with the Afrikaans days of the week.

 Cooking & Music: For cooking this week, we took the Squad to the kitchen and showed them the different parts to a kitchen. The pantry, the wash basin, the stove etc. We also went over kitchen equipment such as a scale and a pan and pot. Lastly, we discussed how to be safe in the kitchen. For music this week we went over some concert songs as when we return from mid-term we will be practicing these more and more.

 It has been a great week. Have a beautiful mid-term.

See you all next week Tuesday.

Sometimes We All Need A Break ...

Have a wonderful Mid-Term!


 Dates to Diarise:

24 – 27 Feb: Mid Term Break

28 Feb: Back to School

2 March: Smart Squad Term Meeting

8 March: Happy Hoppers Term Meeting

14 March: Pet Demo

15 March: Haircut Day

20 March: School Holiday

21 March: Public Holiday (Human Rights Day)

25 March: EcoKids Sports Day


Lots of love

Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants

Always Keeping Our Squad SAFE and Happy!

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