Welcome To The Smart Squad Blog


Aug 6, 2021

Theme:  Space

Colour: Orange

Sound: Nn

Shape: Rhombus

Number: 1-20

Moral Conscious Theme: Keeping Promises

What we got up to this week:

We started off with listening to each other’s fun weekend news and interacting in a broad discussion of each other’s weekend.

We introduced this week’s theme; Space. We discussed what the solar system is and what can we see in the solar system. We discussed how many planets there are in the solar system, what they look like as well as fun facts about each planet. We watched an interesting video on astronauts taking off into space in a space rocket. We discussed that the sun is a giant star. We spoke about what the international space station is and how astronauts survive in space.

Phonics and Writing

This week we recapped on all the letters of the alphabet and their sounds. We recapped on all our ‘A’ family words that we have learnt throughout the term. The children completed a worksheet that required them to use cut out letters to write out the word of the given object. We practiced our sentence skill by writing sentences using some of our ‘A’ family words. We are so proud of how hard the children are working! We recapped on all our sight words learnt throughout the year. The children are reading their sight words amazingly!


This week we introduced a new concept of ‘one more’ and ‘one less’. We used concrete object to practice what happens if we add 1 more or if we have 1 less that our friends. The children  grasped onto this concept really well. Once they were familiar with this Maths concept, we completed ‘1 more’ and ‘1 less’ worksheets. The children were able to complete their worksheets independently and confidently. We are so proud of them!

Life Skills:

Focusing on our moral conscious theme: Keeping Promises, we discussed that when we promise something to someone we must follow through with it. We spoke about a pinky swear and we all know someone who has broken a pinky promise and it doesn’t feel nice to be let down. We explained that as young children we have to promise things that we know we can stick to. For example, we cannot promise anyone the moon because we know that that would just be totally impossible to do but that we can promise to be kind to everyone we meet!


This week it was all systems go with our space art. We started off by creating the solar system using black paper with white speckled paint. The children then coloured in the planets, their astronaut suit and drew a picture of themselves in the astronaut suit. The planets were then glued onto the black paper in the correct order from the sun and their astronaut was glued floating in space. We also drew a picture of a rocket in space and what we thought we would see in space if we were in the rocket. Finally, we drew a picture of what we would do if we ‘took the moon for a walk.’ These came are so cute and we will be keeping them for our ‘Book of Me’ project.

Communication for the next 2 weeks will be done using the class WhatsApp groups.

3rd term will begin on the 8th of September, we hope you all have a wonderful break!

Love Teacher Daniella, Teacher Kim and Assistants

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