Welcome To The Smart Squad Blog


Jul 21, 2023











Nn – Night

Moral conscious theme: Giving – This week we focused our discussion on the gift of giving. We explained to the Squad that it is such a special feeling when we know that we have helped someone in need whether it be by giving our time or giving them an item that they need. We also discussed the less fortunate and how we should be grateful for the things that we have.

The Squad made sleeping bags out of newspaper and plastic this week for Nelson Mandela Day. They really enjoyed this so much.

Writing and Phonics: Last week we focused on recapping our sight words and letter sounds. We discussed the term ‘blending’ and went through our blending sounds such as ‘th’ and ‘sh’ and ‘ch’. The Squad are really getting the hand of reading independently. We then completed a worksheet where they needed to read the sentences and then rewrite them using the cat method. This week we looked through magazines and looked for sight words by circling them. We also played a game on the board where the sight word was written, and the children were asked one by one to go and spot that word. We were pleased with their progress.

Our sight words to date are as follows: dog, me, is, big, I, and, am, an , it, see, to, come, yes, not, get, on, the, can, dad, go, here, so, do, he, up, she, we, at, mom, has, no, a, in, look, but, cat, of, my, DAY (new sight word)

Mathematics: Last week we went over counting to 30 and back. We also focused on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. This is a tricky concept for the Squad, so we incorporate showing the children visually and by singing it out by rote method. This concept can be introduced at home by writing it on a piece of paper and placing it in a location your child sees every day.

This week we played a game of bingo and the children had to circle if they had the number. They loved this! We also had two worksheets to complete which was an addition and subtraction worksheet whereby the children had to fill in the number sentence and provide the answer. Well done!

Creative Art: The Squad completed three art activities over the two weeks. The first one was to decorate their own planet – name it and then create their own alien. The second was to make their very own rocket which was made using an empty toilet roll, sewing reels and paper. The last was to decorate a moon face. All of which came out so beautifully we are only sending one home and keeping the other two for art expo.

Music and Cooking: For cooking we made space cake balls. The Squad mixed condensed milk, coconut shavings, milo, milk and crushed Marie biscuits. The result was delicious! For music we were practicing our concert songs.

We would like to thank you all for attending our annual school concert it was a blast and the children really did a spectacular job! We were so proud of them!

FunFit Sports: The children completed an obstacle course whereby they jumped, dribbled a climbed through different equipment. They had so much fun. Photos are in the blog.


Keep Warm!


 Dates to Diarise: 

8 Aug: Pyjama Dress Up Day

8 Aug: Break Up Day

9 Aug: Public Holiday

10 Aug: Holiday Club Starts

1 Sept: Holiday Club Ends

6 Sept: Term 3 Starts!



Lots of love

Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants

We Love Our Squad To The Moon and Back!

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