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Travels and Holidays

Nov 25, 2022


Travels & Holidays









Hh – Hot 

What a busy week this was! However, the Squad enjoyed every single second of it! From visiting the BIG school for orientation day, to graduating and even going on an awesome Smart Squad only outing. We just know that they are more than ready for Stage 1!

 Writing, Phonics & Maths: The Squad worked through their ‘depicta books’ which allows them to recap their letters and the corresponding formation. Whilst completing those, the children sounded out each letter and also drew a picture relating to that letter. Well done, Squad!

 Life Skills: Loyalty is such an important moral theme to teach, we discussed being loyal to our friends and families. The Squad really understood this concept well.

 Art: We have been continuing with our Christmas art but we also prepared the last minute Book of Me and the kiddies were so excited to help set-up for graduation. They are always more than willing to assist their teachers, thank you Squad!

 FunFit Sports: During Funfit Sports, Coach Dave completed assessments on the Squad and we are sure that they did amazingly!


Two things children should get from their parents


 Dates to Diarise: 

5 Dec : Hooked on Books during School

6 Dec : Christmas Party

7 Dec : Break Up Day

8 Dec – 15 Dec : Holiday Club


Lots of love

Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants 

Our Jet Setters!

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