Welcome To The Smart Squad Blog

Under The Sea

Nov 4, 2022


Under the Sea


Dark Blue


Circle / Cylinder





Uu – Under

We started the week off with listening to each other’s fun weekend/midterm news with broad discussions as well as by introducing this week’s theme, “Under the Sea”. We spoke about the animals we can find under the sea as well as shipwrecks and ancient artifacts. The Squad thoroughly enjoyed this topic and were engaged throughout the discussion, sharing their own knowledge and ideas about the ocean.

Phonics and Writing

Within the two weeks the Squad did worksheets on the “un”,“ut”, “ug” and “ub” family where they had to match the picture to the word, to do so they had to try and spell out the sound of each letter using their sound buttons. They then wrote sentences using those words along with integrating their sight words using their “cats” head, tummy tail for correct positioning and spacing of the words. We are impressed by the Squad’s progress of formation of letters as well as handwriting and “reading” of their sight words!


We continued to practice counting from 1-30 as well as count backwards from 30 – 1.  Within the two weeks we completed an ordinal numbers worksheet where they had to colour in the insect for e.g “Colour in the third butterfly.” The squad did a worksheet on patterns using shapes, they had to circle the shape that comes next to form the pattern. These geniuses grasped this so well! We also did a lot of practical learning to develop math’s skills using concrete objects and fun math’s games.

Life Skills:

With focusing on our moral conscious theme: “Ocean Environmental Consciousness”, we discussed as a class that it is important to respect the ocean and its beautiful creatures. We can do this by picking up litter and using fewer plastic products by recycling and reusing. More than half of the earth’s oxygen comes from the ocean. The Ocean is an important source of food for people.


For Afrikaans we did a recap of colours, numbers, body parts and simple greetings.

 FunFit Sports:

At FunFit Sports this week the Squad were tested in speed, agility, and teamwork! The activity was called Open Gate … One kiddo was selected to be the catcher, who had to prevent his/her selected  friend from reaching the other side of the demarcated area. If the friend made it to the other side, Coach Dave then called out “OPEN GATE!” allowing all the children to run … if they were caught, they would then join the catcher in catching their friends! Lots of fun!!

 Have a wonderful weekend!

We Wanna Know ...

Who is your favourite character from The Little Mermaid?


 Dates to Diarise: 

8 Nov – Haircut Day

Week of 14 Nov during School – Shopping Day

16 Nov – HH Outing

18 Nov – CC Entrepreneur Market Day

23 Nov – SS Graduation

25 Nov – CC & SS Outing

5 Dec – Hooked on Books during School

6 Dec – Christmas Party

7 Dec – Break Up Day


Lots of love

Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants

Our ‘SCHOOL’ of Smart Squad Fish!

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