Winter, Temperatures, Fire & Ice
Rectangle & Rectangular Prism
20 & Recap
Ww – Winter
Writing and Phonics: The Squad practiced their letter sounds and names by reciting the alphabet. We then introduced a new word family (ab family). The children placed their sound buttons and then matched the word to the picture. We have been working on sound blending with the Squad- ensuring that they are able to hear d-a-b and then connect the sounds to say the word entirely. This takes practice and we encourage you to break 3 letter words up at home and practice sounding the letters out to your child.
Mathematics: This week the Squad continued working on number lines and bouncing to each number. They are getting the hang of this concept. It is very important that the child is able to recognise the numbers 0-10 so that they can correctly add the numbers together. We encourage you to practice number recognition at home with the Squad.
Creative Art: This week we designed our own report envelopes. We also created a ‘mini bonfire’ as a team in class – the girls were in charge of collecting the sticks and the boys gathered the stones.
FunFit Sports: Coach Trevor played T-Ball with the Squad this week. They learned to wait to see the ball being thrown and then swinging the bat. Well done.
Cooking: This week was all about fire and ice, we used our bonfire to burn our marshmallows and then squeezed them between two Marie biscuits. They really enjoyed this.
Wishing you all a lovely midterm break!
Have a wonderful Mid-Term break!
Dates to Diarise
8 July: Back To School
11 July: Haircut Day
12 July: Reptile Day
18 July: Nelson Mandela Day
27 July: EcoKids Concert
8 August: Pyjama Dress Up Day & Break Up Day
9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)
12 August: Holiday Club Starts
Lots of love
Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants