Winter, Temperatures, Fire & Ice
20 & Recap
Ww – Winter
Moral conscious theme: Open-Minded – We have been going through the IB principles of a learner and this week we focused on what it means to be open minded. This means that we try new things and that we are able to take chances and not let fear get the better of us. We gave them examples of stepping outside of their comfort zone and trying new foods or sliding down a slide that they were once afraid of.
Writing and Phonics: This week we wrote sentences for our ‘ap’ words that we went over last week. The children are really focusing on keeping their letters inside the lines and writing smaller and neater. We are proud of them. We also went over letter names and sounds by playing a game with match the sound to the visual picture of the letter. They did really well with this.
Mathematics: We have been trying to assist the Squad with understanding the before and after concept. We completed another worksheet using the number line so that they were able to visualise the numbers before and after.
Creative Art: The Squad constructed their very own bonfires using stones, sticks, paper and glue. It is so wonderful to see how differently the children see things and how they build them – it ensures that every art piece is individualised and unique.
Music and Cooking: For cooking this week we went over different temperatures for different foods. What is the correct temperature for the oven when baking? The Squad went into the function room for Music this week, Teacher Katy played the piano, and it was so much fun. We also let the children play different instruments.
FunFit Sports: This week the children dribbled around cones and picked up a ball in teams and then dribbled around another set of cones. They also chased each other around the field. They enjoyed this so much.
Wishing you all a lovely mid-term break and see you when we return.
Have A Wonderful Mid-Term Break! ... Keep Warm! ... Safe Travels To Those Going Away!
Dates to Diarise:
3 July: Back to School
5 July: Reptile Day
7 July: Hearing Tests (details to follow soon)
12 July: Haircut Day
15 July: EcoKids Concert
18 July: Nelson Mandela Day
21 July: Eye Screening
Lots of love
Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants