South Africa
South Africa
Flag Colours
Yy – Yellowwood
What we got up to this week:
We started off with listening to each other’s fun weekend news and interacting in a broad discussion of each other’s weekend.
We introduced this week’s theme, South Africa. We discussed our Big 5 Animals as well as our national bird, flower, animal, fish, and tree. We explained to the Squad that these all originated in South Africa which is why they are important to us. We also discussed our currency “Rands” as well as our president of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa. The week was filled with tons of concert practice and fun!
Phonics and Writing
We wrote sentences in our books using our sight words and our “cats” (head, tummy, tail) for the correct spacing of letters. We are very excited and impressed at how the Squaders are improving. We also recapped on our sight words. The children had a lot of fun reading!
We continued to practice counting from 1-30 as well as counting backwards from 30 – 1. This week we completed addition sums using the counting on method up to 20 as well as concrete objects.
Life Skills:
With focusing on our moral conscious theme: Patriotism, we discussed how it is important to love and be proud of the country you live in as well as to honor our soldiers and to know our basic freedoms.
This week everyone received a different “African” animal for Art and decorated and coloured it in. These came out beautifully and will be kept for our end of year “Book of Me”.
For Afrikaans we did a worksheet on the parts of our face written in Afrikaans such as “nose-neus”, as well as a worksheet where we had to colour in the animals in the correct colour by reading the Afrikaans words. Everyone really listens so well and is excited to learn all the new Afrikaans words, thank you Squad!
The concert is officially here, we can’t wait for you to see all the practice and hard work your little one has put in! We are extremely excited, bring your snacks and enjoy the show!
See you all on Saturday.
If we sleep that is … we are SO excited!!
See you all tomorrow!
Dates to Diarise:
Concert: 16 July
Haircut Day: 20 July
Nelson Mandela Day: 18 July (CHOO CHOO CHARITY DRIVE)
Pyjama Dress Up & Break Up Day: 5 August (Holiday Club details to follow)