Our Pre-School playgrounds are designed to facilitate physical development in children, ages 18 months through to 6 years old, with additional private playground areas for each classroom space available too.

These magical outdoor spaces are certified ‘Nature Exploration Spaces’. Research is showing that children need connections with the natural world as a regular part of their healthy growth and development. The physical and visual links between inside and outside areas are essential so that the play and work flow naturally from one area to another.
Our beautiful outside areas, with their opportunities for freedom and exploration complement the safe and comforting feeling of the interior spaces.

Many activities take place outdoors, covered play areas, hard play areas and grassy areas which are all essential for the different forms of play.
Visual and digital supervision is constant and teaching staff are able to easily keep children under observation at all times. Safety is always prioritised and cameras are found all over the indoor and outdoor spaces and are available for review.
Our playground includes a track for riding bikes, sandpits, quiet areas for fantasy play and environments that stimulate imagination, with plenty of exciting gross motor climbing equipment and discovery toys. Little spaces are set aside where the children can plant their own vegetable gardens.
All the elements of nature are drawn upon to create a space that no child can resist, which are visually appealing and are a constant source of investigation, conversation and pride.