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Frogs and Ponds, Rivers and Dams

Oct 7, 2022


Frogs & Ponds, Rivers & Dams


Light Blue/Turquoise


Oval/Tear Drop





Mm – Mud

Wow the weeks are just flying by so quickly now. This week we learnt all about Frogs and Ponds, Rivers and Dams. It was a very interesting topic for all but the boys seems to enjoy this theme more than the girls. We looked at many different pictures of frogs and ponds.

We tried to explain that frogs are amphibians which means they are able to live on land and in the water. They have big eyes, webbed feet and their skin is smooth and moist. Most of them live in water but other species live in trees or burrow into the ground. We made a make shift little pond where we could show the Pups some tadpoles and explain to them that tadpoles are baby frogs. The Pups definitely learn and understand better when they can see and touch objects that we are leaning about. One thing is for sure our clever Pups definitely know what a frog is. The Pups had so much fun this week jumping/leaping around all over the classroom. These little people are so cute and I have a good giggle most days at the funny things they do. The best part of our week was that we got to go next door to see a real pond which was so cool.

We didn’t make an art piece this week instead we made some cool green jelly and put some jelly tots in the jelly to represent the Pups own mini pond. It was a great sunshine filled week with lots of dancing, singing and learning.

Please may I ask you to send hats for the Pups as we are having some very hot weather at the moment.

Have a super weekend and see you Monday!

Next week’s theme is: Shadows, Day and Night Weather and Summer.   

Do you know ... What is a "teenager" frog called?


 Dates to Diarise:

Break Up Day & Art Expo: 20 Oct

Mid-Term Break: 21 – 24 Oct

Back to School: 25 Oct

Mommy & Me Yoga (PP, HH, CC): 27 Oct

Mommy & Me Yoga (BB, SS): 28 Oct


Lots of love

Teacher Cecilia and the Playful Pups Assistants

Growing in leaps and bounds!

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