Welcome To The Playful Pups Blog

My Pets

Mar 18, 2022


My Pets









Pp – Pets

What fun we had this week seeing all the pets that came in through these school gates! There were so many wonderful animals visiting us. The children had such fun seeing and touching them!

We played a game where we showed the Pups pictures and asked them which pet was there favourite?

We had fun talking about all the different pets you can have and what pets the Pups have at home! Some of them definitely know the names of their beloved pets – too adorable! It is lovely to chat to the children about these every day things and see how they learn. We spoke about looking after and feeding your pet and making sure they are always happy and safe.

During our art activity we explored the Pups fine motor co-ordination. The children had to figure out how to hold and paint a toilet roll simultaneously. This might sound easy, but it is quite tricky when you are only a Pup! Two little hands doing two different actions at the same time! All we did, as the teachers, was encourage the children to paint and try and turn the roll while they were painting it.  The rolls were turned into little cats, and we did help the Pups with the finer details like sticking the face and tail on. We also did some marble paint rolling for art which the Pups also thoroughly enjoyed! What another wonderful week of learning, singing, dancing, and playing!

Please  remember to label everything and send a change of clothes to school with your child (please start including a long sleeve top and long pants, and a warmer jacket, as the weather can turn so quickly) and please remember to trim nails this weekend.

Next week Monday is a Public holiday so it will be a 4 day week.

Have a stunning weekend, keep safe and see you next week!

Next week’s theme: Occupations and people who help us




This Sunday is International Day of Happiness!

Send a message on your class WhatsApp group and let us know what 

your HAPPINESS is …


 Dates to Diarise:


Human Rights Day: 21 March (Public Holiday)

Haircut Day: TBC

Prospective Behaviours Workshop: 31 March




Lots of love

Teacher Cecelia and the Playful Pups Assistants

Our HAPPY Pups !


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