Welcome To The Playful Pups Blog


Jul 22, 2022











Nn – Night

This is one of the SCHOOL’S favorite themes! We love how much room for exploration and learning there is with this theme. With that being said, Space is a pretty difficult concept to explain to a 2-year-old! It is difficult to get them to understand that they live in a country called South Africa, never mind a planet called Earth, in a galaxy that is bigger than they could ever understand! So, we spent a lot of time talking about things that they do understand because they can SEE them, such as stars, rockets, the moon and astronauts! We spoke about the planets and the solar system, and we feel that they really did understand the concepts we were trying to get across!

We tried something a bit different with our art this week. Instead of sending home another picture of a star or the moon, we experimented with loose parts. The teachers went to the art studio and gathered anything that looked “spacey” and invited the children to make a galaxy, or the night sky. We watched how differently the children approached this task and it was fascinating. Some picked up everything they could find and just placed it all together on the felt. Others picked items very deliberately and placed them with such purpose, only focusing on one or two of the parts provided. When it was time to clear away, some stayed behind to sort the parts back into their containers while others ran off! It was so interesting and a fantastic fine motor activity. We are sure this sparked so much interest and creativity in them and we encourage you to do similar activities at home. Added bonus: no mess!

We also used a toilet paper roll to make an alien … they look so cool!

Have a lovely, relaxed weekend.

See you on Monday!

 Next week’s theme: Dinosaurs


This Sunday, the 24th of July,

we celebrate all of our

wonderful EcoGrandparents out there! 


 Dates to Diarise:

Pyjama Dress Up & Break Up Day: 5 August 

Holiday Club: 8 August 

Public Holiday: 9 August

Holiday Club: 10 Aug – 2 Sept

Set Up Day: 5 Sept (NO SCHOOL)

Back to School: 6 Sept


Lots of love

Teacher Cecelia and the Playful Pups Assistants

Our Pups Are Out Of This World!!

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