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Spring, Flowers, Planting and Trees, Plants, Wood, Paper

Sep 18, 2023


Spring, Flowers, Planting & Trees, Plants, Wood, Paper


Green & Brown


Circle & Triangle


1 & 2



Vv – Vase & Tt -Trees

We had a very busyand exciting week! Spring is definitely in the air and we are having to strip down children of all the layers by playtime! What a wonderful time of the year. This week was all about spring and flowers and we chatted about the warmer weather and what happens when it gets warm! The sun rises earlier so we don’t have to wake up in the dark! We don’t have to wear so much clothing to school or else we will get too hot! The sun shines down on us and we have to start wearing sun hats. It is time for lots of water and sunscreen. When the warmer weather comes, the rain also comes! Rain is very good for the Earth and we need it so that the plants grow. We start seeing little blossoms and tiny green leaves on the plants and trees and that means it is definitely spring! The most wonderful season! The bees start buzzing around and pollinating the flowers so in summer time we can have yummy fruit! The Pups went on a wonderful nature walk om our very first day back at school. We found all sorts of sticks, dry grass bark and twigs. We were looking up the big tree at the far end of the plot and saw some beautiful birds that the Pups found extremely fascinating. What a blessing it is to be able to walk around and enjoy nature when nature is your theme!  

In order to understand the moral theme of the week, we sang our school song a lot as it talks all about how much we love nature and the plants and trees, and how we never step on bugs because we are the children of EcoKids! In this way we learned about respecting nature. Our children know that when we find a bug or a spider, a frog or even a snake, we let it go so it can go home to it’s mommy and daddy. Also, it is important to teach our Pups that plants in the garden are growing! And alive! So if you want to pick a flower or two, that’s okay, but we don’t need to pull off leaves or pick all the flowers because plants belong in nature!    What made this week even more special was that we had three new little Pups start their school journey with us and we have been so happy to welcome them! Little Conner, Colton and Hunter M. Welcome to the EcoKids family!  

For our art activity this short week we used tennis balls to do some stamping onto a flower which the Pups absolutely enjoyed. There were a couple of Pups that decided it would be fun to through the tennis balls full of paint at their friends instead of stamping paint onto their flower. This was so much fun and there was paint everywhere. So much fun! As always, please keep nails short and label all items coming to school. A lot of children have the same water bottles so please label your child’s bottle in a distinctive way and show them how you have done it so they know which one is theirs. 


Next week’s theme: Trees, Plants, Wood and Paper 


Photograph week! It was quiet a challenging time to get our small little Pups to smile and see all the lights and the big camera. Overall they were so brave and I cant wait to see their beautiful photographs. 

 For our art we made a tall tree using a paper towel roll for the trunk and a piece of cardboard for branches. The Pups loved painting this with their friends. 

On Friday we did a short obstacle course in the Pups garden which included climbing over and under obstacles and throwing tennis balls into a bin. They all just loved this so much. 

Well done to all our little Pups for being so amazing and helping with our new smaller little Pups. 

Have a beautiful weekend!  



 Dates to Diarise: 

22 Sept: Hat Parade Day & Book Drive

24 Sept: Public Holiday (Heritage Day)

25 Sept: Public Holiday Recognised

4 Oct: Haircut Day

20 Oct: Art Expo

25 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (PP, HH, CC)

26 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (BB, SS)

26 Oct: Break Up Day

27, 28, 29, 30 Oct: Mid Term Break

31 Oct: Back to School



Lots of love

Teacher Cecilia and the Playful Pups Assistants

Our Little Spring Chickens!

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