Under The Sea
Dark Blue
Circle & Cylinder
Uu – Under
What a full and fun two weeks we have had. This is such a wonderful theme to learn about especially for the EcoKids as this theme is close to what we represent. There is so much unnecessary trash and plastic that finds its way into our oceans every day and we need to all find a way to stop this problem as it is killing our marine life, polluting the waters and slowly killing our home. We focused a lot on our moral conscious theme this week of ocean environmental awareness. We sure hope the message has sunk in!
We spoke about all the animals we find in the oceans! We learnt about turtles and sea horses – did you know the daddy sea horse looks after all the babies? So interesting! We learnt about Clown fish (Nemo!) and Blue Tangs (Dori!) and about star fish. Sea snails, octopi and jelly fish! We learnt that jelly fish have quite a sting! And not to be scared to go swimming in the ocean because of sharks. Sharks are not monsters – they do not like to eat people! We learnt about seals and sea lions, whales, and crabs! What a lot to learn about! Some of these animals have stings or spikes, some have sharp teeth, and some have claws and pincers! What a lot to learn about!
We made a lovely jelly fish with a paper plate and some ribbon and string, and the Pups really loved painting this art piece. Well done!
Have a wonderful and peaceful weekend! Next week is going to so much fun cooking and eating fun in our classroom! We will send things home as we make them.
Next week’s theme: Shopping and Shops
Dates to Diarise:
7 Nov: Haircut Day
8 Nov: Shopping Activity (during school)
10 Nov: CC Entrepreneur Market
15 Nov: HH Outing
22 Nov: SS Graduation
24 Nov: CC & SS Outings