My House
Hh – House
This week we learned all about “My House”! It is a very fun theme as children get to tell us all about their homes, their favorite rooms, all about what their room looks like and what they have inside it, and who lives in their homes.
We spent a lot of time talking about what makes a house – walls, doors and windows, a roof. The walls are made with bricks and cement and then we paint the walls in nice colours that we like. Then we fill the house with furniture. We put a nice couch in the lounge to sit on and watch tv (and NOT to jump on or off of… haha). We set a table in the kitchen or the dining room to eat at. We have a bed in our bedrooms to sleep on and in the bathroom, there is a shower or a bath or maybe both, where we can wash our bodies after a long and happy day at school!
Then we had a chat about what makes a home… mommies and/or daddies (even if they don’t live in the same house) who love us, brothers and sisters to play with, food to eat together at night while we talk to each other about our days, pets to look after and fun to be had, a place to always feel safe and looked after and happy – this makes a house a home!
Any building can be used as a house and some houses are very, very big! They are called mansions. Other houses are very small and made with wood or tin or boards. Those are called shacks or cabins. Some houses have two levels, or even three! Some only have one. Some have lots and lots of rooms and windows and others only have one or two! This doesn’t matter. Any building can be a house but it is most important to fill that house with love and happiness and call it a home! Our very clever Bugs definitely understood this concept and we are very proud of them.
For art this week, we continued with our collaborative art piece from last week. You don’t get any details on that yet, you will have to wait until Art Expo to see them!
We also made the most awesome houses out of cardboard boxes.
We used poster paint crayons to paint our walls, and then added a very cool twist to them.
Teacher Gemma folded the base of these boxes into a little tray, and in that tray, you will find a pack of grass seeds and a block of peat soil.
Put the block of peat soil in a bowl and add some water. Once it is all separated and “mushy”, you can add this to the tray, plant the grass seeds, and watch your front garden grow.
Like all gardens, this one needs to be watered and “mowed” regularly, so that it stays beautiful and fresh.
Have fun tending to your garden!!!
Just a few reminders:
- Please keep nails short, so we don’t have any scratching accidents!
- Please, please, please, NO TOYS ARE ALLOWED AT SCHOOL!
- Please ensure any morning snacks are healthy. Try to avoid chips, sugary biscuits or sweets.
- No juice in water bottles. This encourages sharing and we want to keep “our own germs to ourselves”.
- A reminder to please send hats back to school if they are taken home.
- Please lable everything!
If you have any exciting pets at home, please PRIVATE MESSAGE Teacher Gemma and we can organise a day where your Bug can bring their pet In (for a few minutes in the morning) and show them off to the class next week.
This week’s secret question: If you could have a holiday home anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Thank you for another lovely week of fun!
Next Week’s Theme: My Pets
Next week is all about PETS ...
Dates to Diarise:
21 March: Public Holiday (Human Rights Day)
22 March: School Holiday
29 March – 1 April: Easter Weekend
11 April: Break Up Day
12 April: Holiday Club Starts
Lots of love
Teacher Gemma and the Busy Bugs Assistants