My School, My Class, My Teacher
Welcome to the first Busy Bugs blog of 2024!
We are really settling into a nice routine now and our Bugs are getting into the swing of things! We started with some fun art activities and extra mural demos this week and it is starting to feel like the holidays are well and truly behind us and that the new year has officially begun! We are seeing great things from our Bugs, and we are very proud of them.
We took it easy this week with some free drawing activities, and creating our first hand print of 2024. Some of the Bugs were rather concerned that we were putting paint on their hands, but as soon as they realised how fun it is, they loved it!
I would like to say a huge thank you to all of the Bugs parents for being so patient, understanding… and yes, BRAVE… during this somewhat, difficult first week of school. I promise you, it gets better and better every week!
Well done to everyone!
We are looking to many more fun-filled weeks of school with these adorable little Busy Bugs!
Have a great weekend, and we will see you all next week!
Next Week’s Theme: Me and my Body
Do you remember your Pre School Teachers’ names?
Dates to Diarise:
26 Jan: Bonfire Picnic
1 Feb: SS Term Meeting
8 Feb: Abacus Parent Training Evening
12 Feb: CC Term Meeting
14 Feb: Valentine’s Disco (during school)
15 Feb: Haircut Day
20 Feb: Fire Drill
21 Feb: HH Term Meeting
22 Feb: Mid-Term Break Up Day
23 – 26 Feb: Mid Term Break & Camping Weekend
27 Feb: Back to School
Lots of love
Teacher Gemma and the Busy Bugs Assistants