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Building, Construction and Factories

Apr 4, 2022


Building, Construction & Factories









Cc – Conveyor Belt

This week our Crew loved building and getting creative with all kinds of different materials. They made some epic looking creations and even built their own little shops, rocket ships and buildings. Giving them the opportunity to build with loose parts and explore the different materials really lets them use their imagination, creativity and perceptual skills.

Amongst the fun and learning about the ‘Boy Who Cried Wolf’ and the importance of not joking about serious things, we did many challenging worksheets this week. The worksheets challenged their shape drawing, pencil control and perceptual skills.

We had lots of fun practicing for the FunFit Sports Day and loved making Rice Krispy treats in Cooking! Please don’t forget our Sports Day is next week Saturday – the 9th! We look forward to seeing you all there. The Crew are team yellow so need a yellow t-shirt please 🙂

We can’t believe there are only two more weeks of Term 1 left! Have a great weekend everyone!



Heart Matters

In Heart Matters this week the Crew had so much fun playing with different musical instruments! Teacher Hela taught them about how different sounds can evoke different kinds of emotions.

 Dates to Diarise:


Haircut Day: TBC

Sports Day: 9 April

Break Up Day: 13 April


Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Jules and the Curious Crew Assistants

Hard At Work!

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