My House
Hh – House
I would like to start off by saying a BIG well done to all our Crew that participated in our Sports Day over the weekend! You all did so well especially with the trickier obstacles like Javelin and Discus! We saw some amazing skills being displayed as well as healthy competition. You all can be very proud of yourselves and I’m sure enjoyed your nap when you got home, I sure know I did. LOL!
During our ring time sessions this week we spoke about different types of homes, and not only homes for humans but what kind of home animals and insects make for themselves or find. We also went through each room in the house where I gave the Crew one clue and they had to guess the room. This helped in the activity for the week where they made a little house with different rooms. We also spoke about different types of homes, tree houses, apartments, huts, caravans, TP’s and igloos. We discussed what materials you need to build a house and I must say the Crew knew quite a lot about what materials are needed. Such clever Crew we have!
This week during ringtime we focus quite a lot on letter recognition. Going through each letter and words that start with the letter. When practicing at home, please make sure to focus on the sound of the letter and not the name, refer to my Voice Note to the group earlier this week. However the Crew have such an interest and are doing really well.
Our little house from the week are so cute and we would like to keep them for Art Expo. They were given a page of 8 pictures, each one that goes into a different room. The Crew had to cut out and paste their pictures down. Then they took their time colouring in and drawing other pieces of furniture for the different rooms. Such beautiful work was produced!
Music and Movement this week, we were joined with Teacher Mo, who introduced rhythem and timing to the Crew but our clever Crew already knew time because of how we practiced our Sports Day war cry. Stamp stamp clap, We will, we will, rock you! Looking forward to the lessons to come with teacher Mo and what music has install.
Mind Ninja this week we focused on NOW. All details of the lesson where sent to the group and a diagram was sent home.
In Fun Fit Sports coach Trevor worked on ball skills and hand eye coordination. The Crew love playing cricket and each had a good few turn practicing their hitting skills. It’s so interesting to see who our natural athletes are. Working on a child’s strengths are just as important as working on their weaknesses.
Next week’s theme with be My Pets, don’t forget to book your time slop if you would like to bring a pet to show the class. Next week is only a 3 day week as the 21st is a public holiday and Friday is a school holiday with NO holiday club.
Next week’s theme: My pets
Next week is all about PETS ...
Dates to Diarise:
21 March: Public Holiday (Human Rights Day)
22 March: School Holiday
29 March – 1 April: Easter Weekend
11 April: Break Up Day
12 April: Holiday Club Starts
Lots of love
Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants