Welcome To The Curious Crew Blog


Jul 22, 2022











Nn – Night

Space is one of our most anticipated themes of the year. We had so much fun this week and there have been endless discussions about how vast space is. We were pleased to hear how many planets the Crew knew. We have been practicing all the names of our planets and the Crew are doing well to remember all of the names. We just have to prompt them with the first letter sound of the planet so that they can remember. Test them at home and see how many they can recall!

We started the week off with an introduction on Space, the children looked at different pictures and then we watched a YouTube clip. During ring time this week many different facts were discovered about Space and then they were asked questions the following day if they could remember which planet is the hottest and which planet is the largest. They did so well!

We completed a few worksheets this week that focused on the shape of the week which is the Rhombus or Diamond. We did a colouring, cutting and pasting worksheet that challenged their puzzle and perceptual skills. They had to cut up the space scene and put it back together in the right place. This is tricky – but they did very well, only requiring a little help!

Playdough was a hit this whole week! The Crew made all sorts of things throughout the week and some things relating to space such as planets and star constellations. We printed out pictures of constellations that the children had to try and recreate with their playdough.

For art we made our own little telescopes with a different star constellation to look at through each one. See if you can find this in the night sky with your child, that would be amazing!

We practcsed writing our names again this week. We are noticing some Crew are using capital letters throughout their name instead of just the first letter. Please discouraged this as it leads to confusion at this stage. Next year they learn capital letters. We did some fun letter recognition activities this week as well, one being covering each letter in pebbles. The Crew just love exploring the pebbles and getting creative with them.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend. Please could we ask that you catch up any leftover worksheets from the letter challenge books, the Crew are improving but need the practice to each week to keep them remembering their letters 😊

Our Theme Next Week Is: Dinosaurs






This Sunday, the 24th of July,

we celebrate all of our

wonderful EcoGrandparents out there! 


 Dates to Diarise:

Pyjama Dress Up & Break Up Day: 5 August 

Holiday Club: 8 August 

Public Holiday: 9 August

Holiday Club: 10 Aug – 2 Sept

Set Up Day: 5 Sept (NO SCHOOL)

Back to School: 6 Sept


Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Jules and the Curious Crew Assistants

Our Crew Are Out Of This World!!

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