Welcome To The Happy Hoppers Blog


Oct 13, 2023




Rainbow, Black & Dark Grey


Recap, Star & Crescent





Mm – Mystical

What an amazing busy week we had to prepare for our Art Expo! 

We started our week talking about what fantasy is, this is such a fun theme as we can let our imaginations run wild. We spoke about princesses, fairies, pirates, and of course magical unicorns! 

During the week we finished off all our pieces for the Art Expo and made, we worked on our fine motor skills by doing some beading and colouring.  

FunFit Sport – we worked on our gross motor skills for assessments, we did monkey bars and balancing beams. 

For cooking this week, we made rainbow jelly, every day we mixed a different colour jelly and let it set. To finish it off we whipped up some cream and added some sprinkles. So delicious! 

We had an amazing week, please don’t forget to purchase Art Expo tickets, this is an amazing evening and you don’t want to miss it. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 



We wanna know folks … who was your favourite ROCK STAR, POP STAR, BAND back in the day?


 Dates to Diarise: 

20 Oct: Art Expo

25 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (PP, HH, CC)

26 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (BB, SS)

26 Oct: Break Up Day

27, 28, 29 30 Oct: Mid Term Break

31 Oct: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Our MAGICAL Hoppers!

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