Welcome To The Happy Hoppers Blog

Occupations And People Who Help Us

Mar 25, 2022











Xx – X-ray

This week we learnt all about occupations and what the Hoppers want to be when they grow up. We had lots of discussions about all the different kinds of occupations and what kinds of jobs their moms and dads do!

After our discussion, each child created an occupation toilet roll puppet of what they would like to be when they grow up. We have very bright and ambitious children in our class, who no doubt have a bright future ahead of them! These puppets were so cute that we just had to keep them for our Art Expo!

 For our second activity we investigated a couple of X-rays on the light table and learnt about what an x-ray is, “a picture of our bones”.

We put our Hoppers fine motor, spatial perception and eye-hand coordination skills to the test this week with a threading activity! To create our letter of the week, we gave our children two bone shaped paper cut outs to make an ‘x’ for their X-rays. We punched some holes around their x-rays and our children had to thread wool in and out of them. Threading is quite a tricky activity but our kiddies did so well! We will keep practicing this skill.

Due to the public holiday falling on Monday, we missed FunFit Sport and Music this week. Which is why we incorporated many dancing activities during class to shake those sillies out and to be sure we activated those gross motor muscles!

Today, for Show and Tell, we had a dress up day of what our Hoppers want to be when they grow up.  They looked so adorable!

 Next week’s theme: Construction, Buildings and Factories

Have a safe and lovely weekend!


Fun in the Kitchen ...

For cooking this week, Chef Buso took the Hoppers on a tour of the kitchen. They learnt about kitchen safety precautions and hygiene, how to use the gas oven and stove, how the chefs dish up and pack their snack and lunch onto the trollies and also about all the different kinds of kitchen utensils and their uses. For the tour, the kiddies got to dress up in a hair net and an apron, this was super exciting for them!


 Dates to Diarise:

Haircut Day: TBC

Prospective Behaviours Workshop: 31 March

Sports Day: 9 April

Break Up Day: 13 April




Lots of love

Teacher Alexia, Teacher Kate-Lynn and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Growing Up So Fast!


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