Welcome To The Happy Hoppers Blog

Spring, Flowers, Planting and Trees, Plants, Wood, Paper

Sep 18, 2023


Spring, Flowers, Planting & Trees, Plants, Wood, Paper


Lime & Brown


Circle & Triangle/Cone


1 – 11 & Recap



Vv – Vase & Tt -Trees

Welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely holiday. All our Hoppers look so grown up, and we have all had a fantastic first week back. This year is just flying by.  

We eased into the week with theme discussions, holiday news and classroom dancing as we embraced the chilly mornings at the start of the week.  

On Wednesday, we had a busy day with building puzzles and working on our art activity in the morning. For our theme this week, we made flowers in a vase. The flowers were made from cardboard circles, which we painted and wrapped with wool; stems were made of sticks and green ribbon, and the vase is old spray paint lids filled with sand.  These came out beautiful, and we are keeping them for the art expo. 

For our letter of the week, we read Vicky Violet and the vet and all the different words that begin with the letter “V.” we had so much fun and had some exciting words like violin, van, vet, and, of course, that we need to take all our vitamins. 

We learnt about Trees, Plants, Wood and Paper for our second week back. We spoke about what a tree looks like, and it has roots, a trunk and branches with leaves. We also learnt that trees are very good for our world and we must look after them. They give us oxygen and help us to breathe.  

On Wednesday, we went on a nature walk and collected leaves, sticks and lots of bark for a very cool class piece and made a nature tree. We cut a tree out of a big piece of paper and stuck sticky tape behind it. We then stuck all the bits of nature we found on our nature walk. This was so much fun, and we loved how our nature tree came out.  

We were very enthusiastic and tried to make our own recycled paper. It turns out that making your paper is not so easy J. We just ended up with a paper mush…hahah! The hopers loved ripping the shredded paper and adding the water. This became more of a sensory activity as the paper mush was quite cool to feel and put our hands through.  

We had a very busy week with photos and are so proud of all our Hoppers. They all smiled so nicely and cannot wait to see the photos.  

It has been a great two weeks into term 3, and we are all ready for a jam-packed and exciting term.  

Our theme next week is Countries and Cultures. 

Have a safe and lovely weekend. 



 Dates to Diarise: 

22 Sept: Hat Parade Day & Book Drive

24 Sept: Public Holiday (Heritage Day)

25 Sept: Public Holiday Recognised

4 Oct: Haircut Day

20 Oct: Art Expo

25 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (PP, HH, CC)

26 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (BB, SS)

26 Oct: Break Up Day

27, 28, 29, 30 Oct: Mid Term Break

31 Oct: Back to School



Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hopper Assistants

Our Little Spring Chickens!

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