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Under The Sea

Nov 4, 2022


Under the Sea


Dark Blue


Circle / Cylinder





Uu – Under

We love our Oceans and our Hoppers do too.  Over the past two weeks, we learned and discuss many facts and concerns about our oceans.

 Here are some “did you know facts” about our awesome oceans.

– The majority of life on earth is aquatic.

– Less than 5% of the planet’s oceans have been explored.

– The world’s longest mountain chain is under water.

– Plastic is the most common pollutant found in our Oceans.

 It is up to us to protect our oceans and the sea life that occupies our oceans. We are so proud of how much our Hoppers care about our planet and they really enjoyed the art activities we had planned.

What a fun, jam-packed two week we have had with this theme.

We put our fine motor, visual perceptual and creative skills to the test with all the fun activities we did.

The Hoppers loved creating their jelly fish, they decorated a paper plate cut in half with finger painting. The hoppers then practised their fine motor skills threading wool into punched holes to make the legs of the jelly fish and googly eyes to finish him off, they are super cute! Our next art activity we created amazing shark sensory bottles. The children added some glitter, orbees, some seaweed (green material), water and a foam shark to a plastic bottle and shook it all up. Our Hoppers loved this activity and put their fine motor skills to the test by scooping the glitter and putting it into the bottle.

 Assessments for year end have been going well, we are so proud of all out Hoppers!

 At FunFit Sports Coach Dave assessed the kiddos in different activities …  running, jumping, throwing and catching… The Hoppers did an amazing job in each activity. Well done!

 At yoga this week, using the hands and feet cards, we focused on problem solving. This activity stimulates the Prefrontal cortex part of the brain and the Anterior cingulate cortex which manages potential solutions to the challenge. The object is similar to Twister. The highlight of today’s yoga class was that I had a hole in my sock! 🤣🧦

 Our theme next week will be:  Cooking and Food.

 Have a safe and lovely weekend!

We Wanna Know ...

Who is your favourite character from The Little Mermaid?


 Dates to Diarise: 

8 Nov – Haircut Day

Week of 14 Nov during School – Shopping Day

16 Nov – HH Outing

18 Nov – CC Entrepreneur Market Day

23 Nov – SS Graduation

25 Nov – CC & SS Outing

5 Dec – Hooked on Books during School

6 Dec – Christmas Party

7 Dec – Break Up Day


Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Our ‘SCHOOL’ of Happy Hoppers Fish!

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