Welcome To The Playful Pups Blog

Autumn, Birds Migration, Easter

Apr 13, 2022


Autumn, Birds Migration, Easter




Cross & Oval





Oo – Oval

Well this has been a short but productive week at school and lots of excitement with Easter just around the corner.

For our Easter themed art piece, we made an Easter bunny out of a loo roll which the Pups painted. The girls used pink and the boys used blue to paint their bunnies. The teachers helped them with the ears and face. We also made an Easter card for our moms and dads – these turned out to be super cute!  

For our Autumn art piece, the Pups got to do some marble rolling. We used Autumn colours, such as red and orange. This was so funny to watch them do as their first instinct is to shake their heads from side to side before shaking the box with marbles. Once they got going it was a shake-shake party! They loved it! We then went on a quick nature walk to pick up some leaves and sticks that have fallen down from the trees to glue on their marble painting.

The Pups also thoroughly enjoyed a sensory activity this week, that kept them so busy! This activity got them to use and build on their fine motor skills. This is great for their development and aids in many other developmental domains. They had to try and open a peg to catch a ‘worms’ close it and then carry it to a bowl, and then open the peg again so that the worm drops inside the bowl for a little chick to eat. This is quite advanced and we will keep practicing to get better and better. This is really cool to do at home with your little ones too, or get them to help you hang up washing by passing you the pegs and ask them to open and close them so they can get the motion and concept.

Thank you to everyone who donated Easter eggs. Your kindness is really appreciated.

We can’t believe that the first term has come to an end already! What an incredible term it has been, to meeting all of our Pups and getting to know their little character’s and watching them grow day by day. Please enjoy a wonderful peaceful and happy Easter and safe holidays to everyone.  May you be blessed and safe with your families.

Term 2 starts on Monday 04 May 2022 – please make sure your Pups are dressed warm and please label everything including their blankets and pillows.

When we come back to school, the theme will be:  Mothers and Babies


Happy Holidays!

Wishing our EcoFamily a Happy and Blessed Easter Weekend!

 Dates to Diarise:

Break Up Day: 13 April

Holiday Club Starts: 19 April

Holiday Club Ends: 29 April

Term 2 Starts: 4 May


Lots of love

Teacher Cecelia, and the Playful Pups Assistants

Happy, Hoppy Children!

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