Caring For Our World – Recycling
Rr- Recycling
What an important theme this is to all of us at EcoKids Preschool! This is what we are all about! This is who we are! We had a wonderful and informative week, learning all about recycling and reusing instead of just throwing things away. We learnt an awesome new song:
“Reduce, reuse, recycle
Recycle, Recycle,
Reduce, reuse, recycle,
It’s easy to do!
Coz your trash and my trash
Make up way too much trash!
Reduce, reuse, recycle
It’s easy to do!”
And our Pups have been heard singing it all week! We learnt that there are four main types of things that are recycled. Paper, plastic, glass and tins. And, a lot of the rubbish that we don’t recycle lands up in the oceans where it hurts sea creatures and pollutes the water!
We chatted about all the art that we do and the children saw that every week, we use recycled materials to make our beautiful art pieces! We took a walk to the recycling station and saw the different containers and the BIG, BIG truck that comes to fetch the recycling when we have filled all the bins!
We played lots of sorting games, too, making sure the children knew which dustbin in our classroom was the right one for the paper or tin or plastic we gave them. We done, Pups!
For art this week the Pups and teachers worked together. We got them to sprinkle grated wax crayon on wax paper, we then took old plastic bags that say RECYCLE and we cut them out so they could go in the middle of the wax paper with the wax crayons. Teacher Thandy and Teacher Pearl then took an iron and ironed the wax paper and it created this stunning mix of colours which we have placed on formula tins creating an upcycled “dustbin“ for your bread plastics and bread tags to go in. Once you and your Pup/Pup’s fill the tin, please bring it to school so that we can use them for our nappy changing stations for our little ones – we are always REDUCING, REUSING, AND RECYCLING!
We explored a lot this week with all sorts of recycling materials and let the Pups have some free range and choices to make their own creations. This was so interesting to see all the different outcomes
We are also in process of doing reports so you can read all about your precious Pups when we break-up.
Another amazing event that happened this week is that two more Pups joined our class, which is so wonderful!
Please have a wonderful and blessed weekend.
Keep warm! Take your vitamins and extra vitamin C!
Next week’s theme: Father’s Day and Sport
Dates to Diarise:
15 June: Bike-a-Thon
16 June: Youth Day
23 June: Book Character Dress Up Day
23 June: Break Up Day
26, 27, 28, 20, 30 June: Mid Term Break
3 July: Back to School
Lots of love
Teacher Cecilia and the Playful Pups Assistants