Dinosaurs & Fossils
Silver & Green
Circle/Sphere & Triangle/Cone
Dd – dinosaurs
This week always lands up being very WILD and LOUD! Raaaawrrrrr!!!! Haha! A firm favourite with both boys and girls, we have had so much fun exploring the magical world of dinosaurs these two past weeks.
It is amazing how much the Pups already know about these amazing, legendary and extinct creatures… what IS IT about DINOSAURS?! We spoke about all sorts of dinosaurs and we were very impressed with the pronunciation of these little people. They could say brachiosaurus, tyrannosaurus, pterodactyl, triceratops… the list goes on! We learnt that some dinosaurs were soooo big and others were a lot smaller. Some had feathers and some had scales! Some could fly, some could swim, some walked on two legs and had tiny little arms and some walked on four legs and had really big feet like an elephant! Some had very long, sharp, scary teeth and they ate meat! We call them carnivores! Others had smaller teeth and ate plants and they are called herbivores! We don’t know exactly what the dinosaurs looked like but we think they looked something like lizards do now! So when we painted our dinosaur art this week, we made sure to make it very colourful! Oh what FUN we had!
Earlier in the week, we put out some green coloured rice – the colour of the week – for the children. (Recipe: put rice in a plastic packet, squirt some acrylic paint onto it and smoosh it all over the rice, covering it completely, then spread it on a tray to dry for an hour or so – it will colour the rice vividly, wont stain hands and will keep forever if stored in an airtight container and it keeps them busy for ages – win!) They spent a long time playing with it and making homes for the dinosaurs and feeling the awesome, calming textures of it in their hands. They loved this activity and it is so good for their sensory development and imagination.
We painted some cardboard dinosaurs and then gave the children some string, with their teachers help they learnt how to wrap the string around the dinosaur, quite a difficult technique that seems very simple to do, some of our Pups grasped it while others didn’t, this is a simple and great activity to do at home with your Pup.
Then we made some cool dinosaur crowns that they painted.
We have had a fantastic two weeks but we can tell the children are tired, sick of winter and in need of a break! Please remember to fill in your holiday club forms if you want your child to attend holiday club. Please remember to label EVERYTHING that comes to school with your child that could ever possibly be taken off them. Please also remember to cut nails. Some nails grow very fast in this class and an unintentional accident can happen in a second. With short nails, a scratching incident is easily sorted out.
Next theme: Term 3 – Spring flowers and planting.
… that no one cares what your favourite dinosaur is. BUT WE DO CARE! Tell us what your favourite dinosaur is!
Dates to Diarise:
Holiday Club: 8 August
Public Holiday: 9 August
Holiday Club: 10 Aug – 2 Sept
Set Up Day: 5 Sept (NO SCHOOL)
Back to School: 6 Sept
Haircut Day: 7 Sept
School Photographs: 12-14 Sept
Hat Parade Day: 23 Sept
Public Holiday: 24 Sept
Lots of love
Teacher Cecelia and the Playful Pups Assistants