Father’s Day & Sport
Dd – Daddy
Wow another week that has flown by so quickly. The Pups were super busy this week.
We discussed one very important family member in our families, our dads. We spoke about what it means to be a daddy and that we all love our dads so much. We discussed different jobs dads do. We just “LOVE OUR DADS” I had the Pups saying “love daddy” over and over. So cute!
We made a very special card for our daddies and we threaded a loop to hang on our Father’s Day keyring. We also did some baking with our beautiful Pups. We made a special “hammer” biscuit for our dads. This was so much fun.
The Pups are all just growing so fast and learning so much each and every day. Can’t they just stay small forever?
Today we had our bike-a-thon which was so cool busy and so much fun.
Please can you make a big effort to label all belongings.
Have a wonderful long week-end and keep warm!
Next week’s theme is: Winter, Temperatures, Fire and Ice
We know it's true dads ...
Dates to Diarise:
16 June: Youth Day
23 June: Book Character Dress Up Day
23 June: Break Up Day
26, 27, 28, 20, 30 June: Mid Term Break
3 July: Back to School
Lots of love
Teacher Cecilia and the Playful Pups Assistants