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Healthy Eating, Etiquette and Manners

Feb 10, 2023


Healthy Eating, Etiquette & Manners









Ff – Food 

One of the cutest things to hear is a child spontaneously thanking you or saying please for something. It makes our little teacher hearts so proud! We are so impressed with the lovely manners our Pups have! This week was all about healthy eating, manners and etiquette. Needless to say we didn’t get to etiquette much – although we did use meal times as a chance to discuss things like staying seated, no feet on the table, no playing with food and using a spoon or a fork… We encouraged our children to use lovely manners and always say please and thank you!

We had a lot of fun with our art activity this week. We made an orange foot print of the Pups feet to turn it into a carrot. Needless to say this was an eventful and fun activity. Some of the Pups loved the feeling of their feet being painted as others found it sensitive. We had great fun with this activity and the Pups thought it was so much fun running with paint all over the floor. This was not the plan but as it goes with such small kiddies the mess is always so much fun for them.  

For FunFit sport this week, Coach Dave gave a lesson on balancing. He gave each Pup a chance to balance on the tires. Although this seemed a bit scary at first, they all became very confident. Great job Pups.  

Yoga is becoming easier with the Pups now as they are becoming familiar with teacher Nicole – They did general stretching and poses to warm up their bodies. They blew the magic windmill using deep inhale and exhale breath, also known as our balloon breath. They ended off with their butterfly song.

Please take special note of our upcoming events at school:

  • Flip flop day on the 17th February
  • Valentine’s day disco on 14th February

The children are all settled now and are familiar with our daily routine already. It is amazing how much and how fast they can learn.

Next weeks theme: My Emotions and Valentine’s day  

For our Fussy Kiddies ...

Plate pics and LOTS of colour often does the trick!


 Dates to Diarise: 

14 Feb: Valentine’s Disco

15 Feb: Haircut Day 

20 Feb: Fire Drill

21 Feb: Curious Crew Term meeting

24 – 27 Feb: Mid Term Break

28 Feb: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Cecilia and the Playful Pups Assistants

Our Pups!

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