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Insects and Bees; Frogs and Ponds, Rivers and Dams

Oct 4, 2024


Insects & Bees; Frogs & Ponds, Rivers & Dams


Yellow; Light Blue/Turquoise 


Hexagon; Oval/Tear Drop


4; 5



Ii; Mm

As we kicked off the new season back at school, we dove into the wonders of insects and bees! We explored the bright, cheerful colors of different insects all around us and talked about what bees like to eat and the colours ft them. Our little Pups truly shined as they learned about shapes and colors while counting up to 10—I’m overflowing with pride at how well they did! 

With the Art Expo just around the corner, our creative projects are in full swing, and I can’t wait for all the lovely Pups’ parents to join us for this exciting night. The children have been working hard, and their enthusiasm is contagious! 

Next, we hopped into the delightful theme of frogs and ponds. We learned all about the different colors of frogs, the funny sounds they make, and their favorite places to hang out. When it came time to sing the Froggy Song, the joy on their faces was priceless—they absolutely love it! 

For our art project this week, we made adorable frogs using paper and green paint. To make it even more fun, we got a little messy by painting with our hands! Watching the Pups giggle and enjoy getting their hands covered in paint was such a joy. The creative process was as delightful as the final creations! 

On the potty training front, I’m excited to share that several Pups are proudly on the “undies” train and doing an amazing job. It’s heartwarming to witness their progress and growing independence. This spring is off to a wonderful start, filled with learning, laughter,andcreativity!


Let us know on your class WhatsApp groups folks ... Are you part of the Indian TRIBE ... or do you with the Cowboys RIDE?


 Dates to Diarise:

18 Oct: Art Expo

24 Oct: Break Up Day

25-28 Oct: Mid Term Break

29 Oct: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Monette and the Playful Pups Assistants 

Our Pups!

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