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My Emotions and Valentine’s Day

Feb 17, 2023


My Emotions & Valentine’s Day


Pink, Red, White







Ll – Love

This is such a sweet theme. All the children give hugs all week and today was just so special – seeing them all in their pink, red and white outfits, handing each other sweets and chocolates and flowers. What a lovely, loving and special bunch of children come to EcoKids!

The Pups have been adorable this week, learning about the BIG emotions – HAPPY, SAD, EXCITED, ANGRY, SCARED. We spoke about each of these feelings and about situations when we would be likely to feel them. We sang “If you’re happy and you know it!” more times than we can say, making the faces as we went along. When we are sad in the song, we say “Oh no!” When we are angry, we stamp feet. When we are excited, we shout “HOORAYYYY!” We had a lot of fun making faces! These children are young but so perceptive – it is astounding how much they are learning.

For art this week we made you a beautiful Valentine’s Day card – we hope you love it! It was made with loads of love from your Pup to you. Then we made you some delicious biscuits with sprinkles. This was a lot of fun and it kept the Pups and myself very busy. The kids made a heart that they collaged with different red pink and white bits and bobs. Please see the pictures.

For FunFit Sport this week, Coach Dave created a mini obstacle course for the Pups. With coach Dave’s watchful eye the children climbed up the jungle gym, crossed two bridges and then slid down the slides! Awesome job Pups!

Yoga Thursday this week the Pups did their warm up stretches and did an upper body and core strengthening activity. After that they did skateboard pulls. The benefits of this activity is to balance and control and to try noy fall off the skateboard. Working their core and back muscles by keeping their backs straight and their heads up, this has the same concept as tummy time. Well done Pups you did a great job!

Have a stunning weekend, keep safe and see you next week!

Next weeks theme: Safety



We just loved boogying with you!


 Dates to Diarise: 

20 Feb: Fire Drill

21 Feb: Curious Crew Term meeting

24 – 27 Feb: Mid Term Break

28 Feb: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Cecilia and the Playful Pups Assistants

We ADORE our Pups!

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